It's happened to all of us before, that annoying and heart-dropping experience of when you wiggle just a little too much in the early hours of the morning and accidentally slip out of the realms of reality, but what's the best way to deal with it? Our writers here at Overgrowth News and Gossip have compiled a comprehensive list of all the best tips and tricks to get through that agonizing one minute!

Written + Edited by Raqui, additonal writing aid from Cradoline

1. Conserve your breathing -- In the areas out of bounds, many have reported that oxygen seems low in supply. To ensure you do not suffocate, if you do manage to fall, make sure you take timely and calm breaths. DO. NOT. HYPERVENTILATE.

2. Close your eyes -- The area out of bounds is pitch black, to ensure your eyes don't strain, it's recommended to keep your eyes closed, but not tightly. Act like you're sleeping.

3. Curl up -- Pretend you are a pill-bug! The endless void that is out of bounds is naturally chilly, so curling up is a safe and reliable method of retaining warmth.

4. Think happy thoughts -- Of course, while the whole experience is only one minute, phasing out of reality is still a potentially mind-ruining experience. Be sure to keep yourself calm and under control while in and out of the out of bounds, as panic/anxiety attacks could lead to suffocation.

5. Stay still -- Motion sickness is an easy thing to contract out of bounds, so it's recommended you stay perfectly still to avoid illness.

6. Keep your mouth closed -- Tiny, microscopic space beings live in the out of bounds, and these can easily be inhaled and ingested. They have been known to cause mild sickness similar to food poisoning. I recommend covering your nose and mouth with your hands.

We hope these simple tricks make your experience all the more tolerable. Farewell!

~ Raqui, Cradoline